Build your career with Mentored Pathways
World Mentor helps turn students' natural abilities (aptitudes) and what they like to do into their dream job through our Mentored Pathways programs.
With our personalized Mentored Pathways student programs, students learn to gain attention, support, and certification as they earn three essential assets to help build their dream career:
Mentored Pathways’ Career Empowerment Program helps you plan your future.
Connect with a professional who will take your interests seriously and is dedicated to helping you succeed. Together, you and your mentor explore your aptitudes and take your career planning from neutral into overdrive.
Learn how to develop a career and academic strategy that puts your interests at the heart of your planning. Grow your professional network so that you are connected with the right people, who will be integral to turning your passions into your profession.
Take the next steps to unlock your potential, all with the help of your own personal mentor and your growing professional network.
A Network of Professionals: Women in Leadership, Columbia University, November, 2017.
Realize higher personal achievement, better decision-making and a deeper sense of fulfillment.
Challenge your thinking by connecting with supportive experts. Indulge in life-long learning.