Evaluations of youth mentoring programs have provided evidence that high-quality, enduring relationships can lead to a range of positive outcomes for the young people involved. Likewise, researchers have deciphered some of the conditions under which youth mentoring is most effective, as well as the types of volunteers, young people and activities that are associated with positive developmental outcomes.


By incorporating such findings into practice and guidelines, MENTOR is dedicated to helping bring youth mentoring to scale, while also prioritizing program quality and effectiveness. To that end, MENTOR serves the field by facilitating an open and efficient onhealthy bactrim exchange of youth mentoring research among researchers, practitioners and policy makers in a variety of ways. In 2012, in partnership with the University of Massachusetts Boston, MENTOR formed the Center for Evidence-based Mentoring(Center), which is led by Dr. Jean Rhodes, a pioneer in mentoring research. The goal of the Center is to advance youth mentoring research, make the findings more accessible to the field and increase practitioners’ skills and knowledge in applying evidence-based practice to their work.


To further this goal, the Center established The Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring to serve as an online resource to share new findings and encourage conversation around research and ideas for the advancement of youth mentoring practices and policies.